Minor Oral Surgery

Children rarely require oral surgery, but when they do, Dr. McCorkle knows how to care for your child’s procedures and emotions. There are several reasons why a child might need minor oral surgery, including:

  • Tooth removal: Retained primary teeth; excess crowding; an extra tooth; diseased teeth.
  • Soft tissue surgery: Repairing an injury, laceration, or anomaly of the palate, tongue, lips,  or cheeks.
  • Jaw joint stabilization: Dislocated lower jaw.
  • Growth removal: Small, benign or cancerous.
  • Replant and stabilize: Knocked out teeth; Loosened teeth; Displaced teeth.

Removal of Retained Primary Teeth, Extra or Diseased Teeth:

Children often find the thought of removing a tooth scary.  After discussing all the concerns and worries for the child and parent, a plan can be created to best provide the necessary treatment.  

The removal of extra teeth can prevent overcrowded teeth. In some cases, children are born with extra tooth buds, leading to an abnormal number of deciduous teeth that require removal. If a child’s baby teeth do not fall out naturally from the mouth when a permanent tooth begins to erupt, then Dr. McCorkle can remove the retained primary tooth.

Referral to an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon:

Adolescents often have wisdom teeth that need to be removed.  Dr. McCorkle will help you find an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon to provide this care.

Replanting Avulsed or Dislodged Teeth:

A common reason for needing pediatric oral surgery is because a tooth or teeth are knocked out, dislodged, or loosened when a child is injured.  

  • Permanent teeth: If the dislodged tooth is a permanent tooth, insert it into the tooth socket, immediately, call Dr. McCorkle or go the the emergency room.  Dr. McCorkle will meet you to stabilize the replanted tooth.
  • Primary Teeth: Call your pediatric dentist when a primary tooth is injured.  Dr. McCorkle will coach you to properly care for the injury and set up a visit for additional assessment and follow up care.  The goal is to protect the developing permanent teeth.
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